Thursday, April 22, 2010


AFL & Chinchilla AFL

my angora & chinchilla angora


My cute AFL

style: hat

style balah2

mohawk style

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Bad News & Good News

Few days ago, new born rex last time had died (that the bad news). The good news is i hav new baby born. Suppose to be 2 baby. But its too late...(died). So 1 left. Hope the baby will hav lop ear cus the baby father is lop bunny.

Mummy: Local
Daddy: Local Lop
D.O.B: 21/04/2010.
T.O.B: Unknown

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Rabbits for sale

Just straight forward la ah. Aku mnjual arnab2 ku yg basar dah pasal nda cukup energy utk jaga since nda b.amah bblik

  1. Sepasang: Bini warna kelabu/grey & lakinya mixed colour (oren & ada a bit grey/hitam) dgn harga $50 sja.
  2. Sepasang: Bini warna hitam & lakinya mixed colour jua dgn harga $50 sja.
  3. Seekor bini warna hitam & harga $25
  4. Seekor warna hitam $25. Unknown gender.
  5. Dua ekor warna hitam puteh $20. Unknown gender. (SOLD)
  6. Seekor warna hitam $20. Unknown gender. Sumthing ada arah mata. Tpi f ada bbynya nnti, inda tkana.
  • All local bunnies. NOT LIONHEAD, REX OR ANGGORA.
No. 1 - 3 atu umurnya more than 1 year. No. 4 atu umur kan 9 months. No. 5 - 6 atu myb umurnya less than 7 or 8 months.

Bawa carrier sendiri. No hp ku dah ku iklankn siring atu (arah slide down up).
Siapa2 mau bali, ari Ahad dapan baru buleh ambil. TXT DULU LA....


Is she pregnant?
Sorry for the pic. Lazy to edit

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Baby born

Not special about this. Just 4 babies rex born today. I didnt know that the mom will be labour again. Luckily i didnt sleep back after refill all the rabbit food & drink. I saw the mom pluck her hair but i though she plucked her hair cus her "kid" hard to suck/drink the milk. Then..i heard bby rabbit sound. So..i rush outside to chck. Then...there it was..babies.

D.O.B: 15 April 2o10
T.O.B: 9 a.m
Mommy: Rex
Daddy: Rex
Total babies: 4 (for now)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

This is Not For Sale

Monday, April 12, 2010

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

I didn't know

Hi reader, just wanna to share. Yesterday my Chinchilla bunny pluck her hair. I didnt expect her to give a birth again cus i just mating her wif my Clinton. Myb their mating "success". Huhu.
Then i went to check her at 2.30 a.m since i havent sleepy yet. Then i was shocked cus her baby, the only baby that born yesterday had died. she still pluck her hair today. I decided to mixed her today, but since she plucked her hair today, so i planned to mating her back next month. Just give her a break. Im so sad. I wish i check her early. But..what i have to do? just keep moving forward (taken from Robinson cartoon).

That's all reader. Hav a nice day tomorrow

Monday, April 5, 2010

Update Babies

This is the local bunnies. They're age is 14 days today. (^.^)v

O.K this all rex bunnies, except the black white & the other one, they both are rex mixed local.
O.K the true rex (which mean their parent are truly rex) age 24 day today & local rex age for today is 21 day.

My 2nd Anggora

O.K. This is my 2nd male Anggora. I can't believe at 1st that i have 2nd Anggora bcus..... his parent is just a local normal bunny. Probably his grand-grandparent Angora bunny. His sibling already sold to someone. Luckily i didnt sale this bunny. If I sale it, i will only hav 1 Angora. I havent got pair for him. I should find 1 soon.

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