Ok...im openin' back the service...Injection service cus i already found the medicine
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Very Bad2 news
OK. One of my babies that born few days ago...had injured badly...I was fed them but not their own mother. Suddenly...The mother kick & the bby fly off...& got injured...The intestines come out from the left of the body. I rush take my rabbit aid kit. I try to put back the intestines & put bandaged & reunion back wif her/his bro/sis. In few minutes, i checked & the intestines came out back. So i try to bandaged it back but the bby in pain & the intestines comin' out. Then my dad said to me that just lived the baby dead slowly. Nothing else for me to save the bby live. :(..R.I.P
Sorry guys cant take the bby pic. Hard for me to take the pic.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
New rabbits Born
12.00 a.m i just back home from Wywy restaurant & rushin' to check f the bbies born. But no... the mother almost...I mean in labor..So i just wait then in few minutes, i noticed that the mother cleanin her ass so i moved her a bit. There it is..1st baby comin out already. So i took it from her mother. AFraid the mother step on the baby. Then...waitin' again in case have the 2nd baby. Well, while waitin..i cleaned the 1st born baby. The 1st baby at 1st hard to breath & to slim. Not to fat as usual. So...i left the baby a space to give the baby air..So i checked her mother in case already out the 2nd bby. I moved her mother a bit. Then...there it was again the 2nd baby. But now, its more slim then the 1st baby. So i took it from the mother. Cleanin' the 2nd baby cus still covered wif the some of the placenta. This 2nd baby im sure can survived than the 1st baby cus according to the bby body temperature. Its a bit warm than the 1st bby. I moved the mother to her new cage cus during the labor tyme, i put her in the carrier. No enough cage. Anyway, the bbies i have to give them a warm air..So..I rubbed my hand til it warm so that the 1st bby can warm the body from my hand. Even..i used the hair dyer to warm the towel as their blanket to cover the bbies body. Hope they'll survived.
Mommy: Local
Daddy: AFL + Chinchilla
D.O.B: 26/8/2010
T.O.B: 12 a.m
Baby born: 2
Alive: 2 (for now)
Death: Not Yet
Monday, August 16, 2010
Unexpected (Good & Bad News)
Seriously rabbits! Is this month is for u not plucky ur hair anymore f ur pregnant? ARGHHH!!!!
Ok... One of rabbits Local satin is giving her 1st born babies also myb this morning without plucky her hair. She's giving 6 babies but only 1 survived. At least 1 survived tho, right?
Mummy: Local Satin
Mummy: Local Satin
Daddy: Either rex/local
D.O.B: 16/8/2010
T.O.B: Unknown
Born: 6
Alive: 1
Ok...the bad news again is today the bbies that born yesterday one of them is dead. So....basically, one left..Well, at least the baby hav new friend today. Hopefully, both survived. *Amin*
Sunday, August 15, 2010
After waitin' for sooo long, my AFL + Chinchilla have her babies 1st born huhuhu.. But...the sad thing is 3 babies died. Well atleast 2 survived for now.
Mommy: AFL + Chinchilla
Daddy: Local Lop
D.O.B of the babies: 15/8/2010
T.O.B: Morning
Alive: 2
Dead: 3
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Resell back - SOLD
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
New Update: Clearance sell (With free services)
Mixed Lionhead (Above pix)
Im selling my Mixed LH: $60, Satin: $30 (buy couple, just $55), Rex: $30 & Adult local: $10.
F u buy Mixed LH & Satin: free ringworm injection, trimming teeth & cutting nails for ur rabbit for a month only. U donna wanna miss this opportunity, don't u? So what r u waitin' for...
I just found out My Princess died today..... Uuuuuuwwwwwaaaa~This morning i've bring her to vet...Guess, toooo..late to save her...:(...Bye my Princess..R.I.P...
Sunday, August 1, 2010
For cleanin' the wound

So..Just wanna to share to u all. This the Iodine Solution (as u can see at the pic) for cleanin ur pet wounds. I just bought it yesterday cus the Dr. told me to buy it from any store. (at the vet, yesterday they havent put in small bottle for the patient pet, so they ask me to buy then..). Well, enjoy cleanin' ur pet wounds.
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