Today, around 9.30 a.m, i jus finished my breakfst. Then, i wanna to fed my AFL babies & take mummy rex. So i bring the carrier (I put the AFL babies on small carrier since they already big enough) outside. Suddenly, i was shocked that 1 satin bunny & 1 local bunny was on the other side of the cage (i have a big cat cage that i used for rabbit & then divided the cage in half long time ago. I put now my Fluffy & Satin at the both side). I lift one rex bunny 1st & i checked f hav blood & there's it was. I found many blood coming out from the back of her left leg. So i rush to find the left over iodine. I get some cotton & "Glue" & put iodine on the cotton & stick the cotton that hav the iodine on it on the rabbit leg. She was strugglin' to get out from me (Sorry rabbit, i know it hurt badly). O.K that done wif that rabbit. Then the 2nd bunny. I checked it again & i found that rabbit not blood, but had swelled up. I dunno what to do wif it. :S i dun had medicine for that. Im so..worry. Tomorow i cannot go the governmnt vet cus i hav class in the afternoon. So i called Anicare near Honda showcar at Gadong. So i either i go there or at the petlink. Im not sure the petlink doctor for this moment. But choice do i have?