As u can see, this is just normal wire cutter which I used to cut/trim my bunnies that have malocclusion. I got 3 rabbits got that "VAMPIRE TEETH".

This spray I used for all my bunnies. Welll!! I lied. I used it some of my rabbits f only I bring them to the vet. U dont wanna ppl dead there cus of smelling something bad smell, r u? LOL
This nail cutter or nail clipper that I always used for my rabbits. For guinea pigs, I always used normal nail clipper.

Ok. This I always used for my guinea pigs place & rabbits. But...mostly I used for my guinea pigs cus for rabbits I always used the cat litter powder.

Ok. This product I used for guinea piga. Some time they understand not to pee on the spot. Sometime not.

This is Aristopet Flea & Grooming Powder. Ah...this powder I used for my special bunnies only. ^^

This is Aristopet Flea & Tick Shampoo. I often use them for my bunnies, cus i have more than 40 bunnies & I only bought 1 shampoo. So...I just used them f necessary only & i use this for the customer service. :). I even use it for guinea pigs. But I bought the sprays. That sprays I always used for my rabbits & guinea pigs.

This is Soft Protection Pet Brush Salon Grooming which I always use to brush my bunny hair sometimes if hard to comb their hair, I just cut them which make my life easier. :P