Friday, February 12, 2010

*sigh* Bad News

Start from today & so on...
I will take care of my bunnies alone.
So...f u want to buy female or male bunnies...please bring someone who is professional in checking their gender.

I dont know when the new "amah" will arrive here. I hope my parent will find in this month cus *sigh* hard to take care if alone take care all my bunnies.
My luck will doom...In malay word "MAMPUS".

Every morning refill, afternoon fill & night give the babies mummy milk. Ai yo..:S hav appointment wif the vet again. I prayed my sis have a free time on next Saturday.
Mampus ku kalau aku sorang ja ke sana. 2 bakul tu kan di angkut. Bbiji2 nie krg tngn angkat arnab jumpa doktor.

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